Books – New Page

Discover my books. I’ve been dedicated to writing books that enhance the learning experience for students and introduce innovative approaches for educational leaders. Grounded in both theory and practical application, each book aims to inspire and inform. I invite you to explore the collection below...

Creative Habits Versus Creative Momentum Blog Post

We often hear about the need to develop creative habits. However, habits alone can lead to stagnation. You end up flat lining. In this week’s article and podcast, I share a different approach: creative momentum. The summer time can be a great chance to build…

Why AI Can’t Replace Teachers Blog Post

For all the hype about AI replacing teachers, the reality is that teachers are irreplaceable. It is a deeply human endeavor. The teachers who can leverage this human element through authentic learning will ultimately prepare students for an unpredictable world forged by AI. Listen to…

Promoting Academic Integrity in the Age of Generative AI Blog Post

We often talk about the need for students to have voice and choice in their learning. We want them to engage in meaningful, productive struggle as they do projects and engage in problem-solving. But where does AI fit into this? In past articles, we’ve explored…

Using AI to Bridge the Gap from Theory to Practice Blog Post

It’s easy to get dismissive about educational theory. I’ve heard teachers say “Don’t bother with the theory. Just focus on practical strategies.” But when done well, theory can provide a roadmap and framework we can use. It can be a nuanced dialogue that cuts to…

Rethinking Information Literacy in an Age of AI Blog Post

Terms like “game-changing” and “disruptive” have become cliche in technology circles. As educators, we’ve seen the hype of 1:1 devices, paperless classrooms, interactive whiteboards, and a host of different education fads. However, AI feels different. We are living in a cultural moment where generative AI…

Making Time for Project-Based Learning (PBL) Blog Post

When I was in my second year of teacher, I wanted so badly to implement PBL. This, despite the fact that I didn’t know the term “project-based learning.” I simply knew that I wanted students to engage in meaningful projects where they learn the content…

Understanding Neurodiversity: An Empowered View of Learning Differences Blog Post

In this article and podcast, we explore what it means to shift from a focus on learning disabilities to focusing on learning differences. What does it mean to embrace neurodiversity and help students find their hidden potential connected to their neurological diversity? How can we…

12 Ways to End the Semester on a Creative Note Blog Post

Let’s just put it out there. December is exhausting for teachers. The days are shorter. The weather grows colder and (at least here in Oregon) wetter. Students are anxious — whether it’s a buzzing excitement for vacation or a sense of dread that some kids feel in…

Ten Surprising Truths About Creativity Blog Post

While we tend to think of play as spontaneous, I’ve learned that I need to schedule longer extended periods of creative play. I put these dates on my calendar weeks in advance and treat them like a work meeting or a training. No matter how…