I Want Students to be Better Consumers Blog Post

“We need kids to be creators, not consumers.” I’ve heard this statement so many times at conference and in Twitter chats and in blog posts. I get it. We want students to be creative. But is consumption actually a bad thing? See, every person I…

Five Ways to Get the Most Out of Student Portfolios Blog Post

Portfolios are a powerful way to help students showcase their work, reflect on their learning, and set goals for the future. But as an educator (first as a middle school teacher and now as a college professor), I have always been looking for ways to…

Seven Ways We Can Fix the Dreaded Student Research Paper Blog Post

When I was a kid, I hated research papers. I hated the paint-by-numbers rules we had to follow. I hated the fact that I couldn’t choose the topic or ask the questions or find the sources. I hated the notecards and the binders and everything…

Seven Shifts in How Students Do Research Blog Post

When I first began teaching, I viewed research as something separate from the rest of learning. We did research projects or we kept the research as a phase within a project. Since then, I’ve had some shifts in how we do research: 1. Start with…

Ten Things I’ve Learned About Student Design Projects Blog Post

The picture above is an example of a game where students have to shoot a soccer ball past the goalie (moved by the opponent). The ball drops down and they get a shot again. It is visually-appealing and fun to play. This was part of…

Thirteen Ways to Boost Student Blogging Blog Post

This is my ninth year of having students create their own blogs. Initially, the student blogs were nothing more than a class journal posted online. They were digital notebooks. However, over time, they became a place for student voice. They evolved as my thinking about…

What Are the Bay Leaves of Education? Blog Post

A few years ago, I met a chef and asked him, “So, bay leaves? Do they even have a point? You can’t taste them. You have to take them out. They seem to get in the way.” He shook his head and said, “Nah, it’s…

7 Ways to Integrate Curiosity into the Classroom Blog Post

We often use the word AI to describe the newest generation of chatbots. However, computers can’t think. They process information. Humans think. Human cognition is affective and emotional. It’s unpredictable and messy. It’s  inherently social and relational. We use the term “intelligence” to describe A.I….

Sprints, Mini-Projects, and Project-Based Learning Blog Post

This would be the year. I would be a fully project-based social studies teacher. After reading every PBL book I could read and attending PBL sessions at a few summer conferences, I had a vision for a new way of teaching my subject. My third…