The Seven Types of Creative Teachers Blog Post

When I was a new teacher, I railed against boxed curriculum. I felt like a chef being forced to use Hamburger Helper or an artist forced to paint by number. It felt like they had taken the creativity out of the profession and I was…

Why I’m Not Too Worried About Learning Loss Blog Post

All three of my kids have missed a significant number days because of the need to quarantine. The Omicron variant is sweeping through our neighborhoods and our local school district recently created a no-contact day this last Friday. Many caregivers and community members are concerned…

Starting the Semester on a Creative Note Blog Post

I’m sitting in my office right now with a web sprawling out all over my whiteboard. I’m planning out my five courses that start in the next few weeks. But even if I weren’t designing new courses, I would be dreaming up new ideas. For…

10 Creative Risks to Take With Your Students This Year Blog Post

We aren’t sure what this year will look like. With the spike in Covid cases, it might involve more hybrid or virtual learning. Or it might be more of a “return to normal.” But regardless of the situation, we do know that teachers will continue…

Seven Myths Keeping Teachers from Implementing Creative Projects Blog Post

Every year, I ask my pedagogy students about their most memorable learning experience as a learner, whether it was in school or out in the “real world.” Nearly every example involves a creative project. These were the moments when learning stuck and often it was…

The Powerful Combination of PBL and SEL Blog Post

Social-emotional learning has become a bit trendy lately. However, it’s more than merely a trend. SEL is a critical part of student soft skill development. In my latest article, I explore the relationship between project-based learning (PBL) and social-emotional learning (SEL). It’s an idea that…

Four Ways to Boost Collaboration in Student Projects Blog Post

Creative collaboration can be challenging at every every level of education. Sometimes the issue is work imbalance, with one student doing the majority of the work while others slack off. The term organizational psychology is “cognitive loafing.” In some cases, it can feel like one…

We Want Students to Be Creative, But How Do We Assess This? Blog Post

We know that creativity is vital for student learning. We also know that we tend to value the things we assess. However, when we assess creativity, we can unwittingly cause students to become risk-averse. So, how do we assess creativity in a way that encourages…

Want Students to Be More Creative? Try Adding More Play. Blog Post

It’s supposed to snow this week, which reminds me of a moment four years ago when it snowed. We were from Phoenix, which meant our children had spent their lives  experiencing the two seasons of blazingly hot and nice. The only thing that changed color…

7 Ways to Build Creative Confidence in Students Blog Post

Sometimes I wish I could go back in time to visit my 9-year old self and say, “Dude, you got this. Right now, it’s hard but someday you’ll be using your voice to make art. Trust me, it gets better. Way better.” I was in…