7 Tips for Getting Started with Student Choice in the Classroom Blog Post

Our students will inhabit an unpredictable world. With machine learning and other advanced forms of AI, students will need to become really good at what AI can’t do and really different with what can do. They will need to be adaptable as they navigate the…

12 Ways to End the Semester on a Creative Note Blog Post

Let’s just put it out there. December is exhausting for teachers. The days are shorter. The weather grows colder and (at least here in Oregon) wetter. Students are anxious — whether it’s a buzzing excitement for vacation or a sense of dread that some kids feel in…

Beyond the Audience: Why Students Need to Embrace Self-Initiated Creativity Blog Post

I’ve often written about the power of a launch. However, there’s also a place for self-initiated creative work where students engage in creativity with an “audience of one.” Here, they experience the permission to try experiment and work through multiple iterations. They find their creative…

Ten Surprising Truths About Creativity Blog Post

While we tend to think of play as spontaneous, I’ve learned that I need to schedule longer extended periods of creative play. I put these dates on my calendar weeks in advance and treat them like a work meeting or a training. No matter how…

The FACTS Cycle for Prompt Engineering Blog Post

Over the last year, I’ve had the opportunity to work with educators who are incorporating generative A.I. into their classroom practice. Whether it’s working with the pre-service teachers at my university or in working with current teachers in the workshops and professional development I lead,…

Will AI Cause More Harm Than Good? Blog Post

Last week, a friend of mine asked me, “Do you have any concerns about AI destroying the world and being the worst thing ever and then having people know that you were an early proponent of it?” This led to an ongoing conversation which eventually…

In a World of AI, Our Students Need Project-Based Learning Blog Post

The Artificial Intelligence revolution is here. That might sound like hyperbole. After all, the world looks the same. The revolution didn’t arrive with Skynet and robots or with Blade Running cyborgs. It’s been subtle. Auto-correct here. Grammarly suggestion there. An auto-fill option in G-mail and…

Designing PBL to Decrease Cognitive Load Blog Post

It’s 4:25 p.m. and I’ve been working nonstop since 7:00 a.m. this morning. Actually, that’s not entirely true. On three separate occasions, I close my laptop, lace up my running shoes, and head for a walk in the brisk fall air. I absorb the sun’s…

16 Ways to Own Your Professional Learning Blog Post

I’m sitting at a barbecue joint putting finishing touches on a social studies pedagogy course I’m teaching this summer. While I try to focus, I can’t help but notice the passion and excitement at the table across from me. “Screw going on a cruise. I…