What happens when students launch their work to an audience? Blog Post

Right now, I’m feeling the effects of social isolation. My social circle is essentially my wife and my kids. I’m only going out when necessary to go to the grocery store. This Thanksgiving will be the first in years that I don’t see friends or…

The Real Issue Isn’t Student Engagement Blog Post

The shift toward virtual and hybrid learning can be challenging; especially around student engagement. However, sometimes the real challenge isn’t one of student engagement so much as student empowerment. In this article, we explore how teachers can design distance learning with student self-direction at the…

Using Scavenger Hunts to Get Students Moving in Virtual Learning Blog Post

When we hear the terms “virtual learning” or “remote learning,” it’s easy to imagine students spending eight hours a day in front of a screen. However, as educators, we know that this approach isn’t developmentally appropriate. Children need to move around and interact with their…

Making Rest a Priority in the Summer Blog Post

This is my latest article in a series on owning your professional learning. Teaching is an exhausting gig and when teachers take the time to rest during the summer, they able to find a place of renewal and restoration. Research has demonstrated that rest is…

How to Read 50 Books in a Year (Even When You’re Busy) Blog Post

This is my latest article in a series on owning your professional learning. According to a Pew Research poll, over a quarter of the U.S. adult population said they hadn’t read a book within the last year, whether that was in audiobook, ebook, or physical…

16 Ways to Own Your Professional Learning Blog Post

This is the first in a summer series on owning your professional learning. I created a sketch video as a preview. If you enjoy the video, would you click the “like” button and consider subscribing to my channel? Subscribe to My Channel Right now, teachers…

Empowering Students in Distance Learning Environments Blog Post

Student engagement can be a real challenge in this sudden shift toward distance learning. But one way to improve engagement is by empowering students. In this article, we explore how to improve equity and access and how to shift toward student ownership. Listen to the…

5 Ways to Boost Attendance in Virtual Class Meetings Blog Post

I have a friend who is a phenomenal teacher. She has been making a positive impact on middle schoolers’ lives for 20 years. I used to go into her classroom during my prep period and take detailed notes so I could refine my class. She…

How to Make PBL a Reality in a Distance Learning Environment Blog Post

If you think about your most powerful learning experiences, there’s a good chance at least one of these experiences involved a project. This is where you learned how to research, how to ideate, how to work with others, how to engage in productive struggle, and…