Brainstorming Is Broken. Here’s How You Can Fix It. Blog Post

Brainstorming Is Broken Brainstorming can be fun. You get together and generate a massive list of ideas. Everyone is shouting all over each other. It’s exciting. It’s passionate. But what if it’s not all it’s cracked up to be? That’s a key argument in “Why…

This Is What Happens When Teachers Model Curiosity Blog Post

  When I taught middle school, I wanted my students to be curious. I wanted to see them tap into their own natural wonder and ask tons of questions. I wanted them to ask, “Why?” and “Why not?” I wanted them to question answers as…

You Can Be Innovative Even When the System Discourages It Blog Post

My friend Josh Stumpenhorst once wrote an excellent post about the chasm between what teachers are told to do and what teachers can actually accomplish in the system. One line in particular stood out to me. “They will insist that innovation, creativity, risk-taking and failure…

Believe It Or Not, Kindergartners Can Do Research Blog Post

When my oldest son was five, he asked me whether the leaves were falling because the air was getting colder or because the sun was setting earlier. We gathered leaves. We conducted experiments. We looked at maps of leaves and sunlight and temperature. He wasn’t…

Why Aren’t Universities Developing More Teacher-Innovators? Blog Post

This week, I asked my cohort to analyze different unit planning models. This is a challenging part of the graduate classes, when teachers are learning the nitty gritty craft of creating units and lessons from scratch. I walked over to the group analyzing the design…

Ten Things That Happen When Kids Embrace Design Thinking Blog Post

I still remember the day. I was in my first year of teaching and I sat there holding my printed lesson plan. This was supposed to be my greatest lesson of the school year. I had planned it for hours, revising various aspects of it…

The LAUNCH Cycle: A K-12 Design Thinking Framework Page

The LAUNCH Cycle: A K-12 Design Thinking Framework The term “design thinking” is often attached to maker spaces and STEM labs. However, design thinking is bigger than STEM. It begins with the premise of tapping into student curiosity and allowing them to create, test and…

Free Visuals, Slides and Posters Page

Lorem amet elit libero sit ipsum hendrerit libero sit consectetur lorem lorem link   The LAUNCH Cycle Visuals from the Blog Ridiculous Education Puns

Are we making space in our classrooms for imagination? Blog Post

When I go home, I’m no longer a dad. I transform into a sidekick to the world’s coolest superhero. I become a nurse to a stuffed animal surgeon. I get to help an architect and a builder in forts made from couch cushions. I become…

Projects Page

My goal is simple. I want to make something new each day. Sometimes, I make stuff. Sometimes, I make a difference. On a good day, I get to do both. I often use design thinking as a framework for my creative work. If you’re interested in any…