This morning, I logged into Twitter and noticed a stream of education articles. Several described how homework is ruining childhood. A few mentioned why schools are crushing creativity. I noticed my own blog post describing how "kids aren't tired of learning but they're tired of…
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Toward the end of the year, I remember feeling absolutely exhausted as a teacher. Once the testing is over and the pressure is gone, there's this sense of relief. However, this was nothing compared to what my eighth graders experienced. You could see it in…
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For the last 12 years, I've used design thinking as a teacher, an author, an educational technology startup founder and an artist. I've used in in the non-profit world in program development and I'm currently using it right now as I lead a team of…
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Disclaimer: This post just barely tiptoes toward education. It's mostly a post about my all-time favorite television comedy. About a week ago, I watched the final season of Parks and Recreation. It struck me, at the end of the series, that this might be the…
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Note: I'm sure my thoughts on this topic have been heavily influenced by Dean Shareski. If you don't read his blog, go check it out. For the last four days, I have been back at home with my family. We have had deep conversations.…
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"Hey dad, can I have a YouTube channel?" my son asked."What kind of a channel would you create?" I asked."Maybe a channel showing how to create things in Minecraft. But there's already a lot out there. What if I had a channel showing kids how…
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Seven years ago, I did a research project on blended and personalized professional development. There were a few big take-homes that I hadn't considered before. For example, I learned that "personalized" only works when there is a collaborative and creative component. I also learned that…
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Subscribe to YouTube Channel When you the word “creative,” you might think of a painter or a playwright or an author or a photographer or a filmmaker or a chef. In other words, you might think of people who make things. I think it’s…
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“We need kids to be creators, not consumers.” I’ve heard this statement so many times at conference and in Twitter chats and in blog posts. I get it. We want students to be creative. But is consumption actually a bad thing? See, every person I…
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When I was a kid, I remember hearing that computers would replace teachers. I didn't like this idea, unless they could guarantee that my teacher would be like Data on Star Trek: The Next Generation. However, technologists promised us that computers would radically transform our…
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