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I’m going to start sharing each video prompt I create on YouTube. If you like these prompts, please consider subscribing to my channel. This one is designed for younger students, though I could totally see secondary students running with this as a chance to practice writing in a different voice.

Writing Prompt:

Think back to the time you got your first pet. Maybe you got a playful puppy or a scrappy old rescue hound or a retired racer. Maybe you got a curious kitten or a moody old cat. But that pet changed your world forever. Now, tell this story from the perspective of the pet writing a journal of the first few days in your new family. What do you think of your new home? What’s your opinion of your humans? Anything puzzling or peculiar? What do you think of the food? What recommendations would you make to improve it? What are the toys like? What will you do for fun? What are your fears? What are your hopes? Focus on writing it from the perspective of your pet. Use vivid language and precise descriptions.

John Spencer

My goal is simple. I want to make something each day. Sometimes I make things. Sometimes I make a difference. On a good day, I get to do both.More about me

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