The Case for More Recess Blog Post

We tend to view recess as a break from learning. However, free play is actually a vital part of the learning process. Play boosts divergent thinking, flexible thinking, and creativity. It helps students learn critical social-emotional skills. Unfortunately, in many schools, students are losing recess…

Moving from Recipes to Projects Blog Post

This article is part of a longer series on design thinking, a flexible framework for empathy-driven creative work. You might want to check out other articles in the series first. Students begin with a state of awareness in the Look, Listen, and Learn phase. Next, they move…

Empowering Students with Voice and Choice Page

Empowering Students with Voice and Choice Subscribe to My Channel We want students to be creative, critical thinkers. We want them to rewrite the rules as life-long learners and critical thinking citizens. It's a mindset of self-direction and student ownership and it begins by empowering...

Projects Page

Projects and Resources If you're starting out with project-based learning, design thinking, or inquiry-based learning, you might be thinking, "where do I even start?" You might want to try one of these free projects, mini-projects, or other classroom resources. Most of these projects include slideshows,...

10 Teacher-Tested Strategies to Engage Reluctant Writers Blog Post

A few years ago, my son opened a Google Document and started typing. I asked him about it and his eyes lit up as he described the shared story he was writing with classmates. This was the first day of summer break but he was…

4 Surprising Truths About the Creative Journey Blog Post

About a year ago, I watched La La Land for the first time. It was as enchanting and mesmerizing as people had told me. And it struck a chord, in terms of the deeply human longing to chase your dreams, captured in the lines: Here’s to…

Why Balance Is Critical for Creative Work Blog Post

Earlier this week, my friend George Couros wrote a wonderful post about seeing the value in balance and it had me thinking about the role of balance in creativity and teaching.  Years ago, my friend Wayne gave me some great advice about balance and self-care….

What Can *Making It* Teach Us About Creativity in the Classroom? Blog Post

I’m a huge fan of Parks and Recreation because of a surprising element: being earnest. Yes, the show is goofy and the city of Pawnee can feel cartoonish at first glance. However, the characters feel surprisingly real. Most comedies move their characters further and further toward…

cardboard arcades from the LAUNCH Academy

Five Key Takeaways from the LAUNCH Academy #launchacademy Blog Post

A.J. Juliani and I led our first ever LAUNCH Academy last week. At first, I was nervous and even overwhelmed by the epic feel of the ARC building. Seriously, this looks like something out of Hogwarts. (Picture by Autumn Elizabeth) But if the building was epic,…