Low Skill, High Motivation, and Low Self-Efficacy = Anxiety, because I want to accomplish the task but I’m not sure I can
Low Skill, High Motivation, and High Self-Efficacy = Determined, because even though my skill level is currently low, I am sure I will accomplish it
Low Skill, Low Motivation, and High Self-Efficacy = Boredom, because even though I know I can accomplish the task eventually, I have no real desire to do it
Low Skill, Low Motivation, and Low Self-Efficacy = Resentment, because I feel stuck doing a task I don’t want to do, that I’m currently unable to do, and that I’m skeptical I will ever figure out
High Skill, High Motivation, and Low Self-Efficacy = Imposter Syndrome, because even though I am motivated and I currently have the skills, I am struggling with self-doubt
High Skill, High Motivation, and High Self-Efficacy = Flow, where I get lost in what I am doing and I love the challenge and experience
High Skill, Low Motivation, and High Self-Efficacy = Restlessness, where I am able to accomplish the task but I can’t wait to move on to something new
High Skill, Low Motivation, and Low Self-Efficacy = Avoidance, because even though I have the skills, it’s something I really want to do and I’m not positive I can accomplish it