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Design thinking is a human-centered, empathy-driven process for creative work. The LAUNCH framework is a student-friendly design thinking framework you can use in your classroom. It includes three critical elements for creative work: structure, interdependency, and student ownership. As a teacher, you can use design thinking to empower your students with voice and choice. You can craft projects that students remember forever.

Are you curious about getting started with design thinking?

Here’s a free toolkit with the tools, ideas, structures, and resources you need to get started on the journey. Here’s what’s included:

  • A free eBook Getting Started with Design Thinking, that includes the blueprints you’ll need to craft a design thinking unit
  • A set of unit plan templates
  • Design Thinking structures you can modify and use with your students
  • Four sample projects ranging  from mini-projects to longer projects
  • A suite of assessments
  • Access to a design thinking webinar

Plus, I update it each year and add additional tools, structures, and strategies.

Download  the Toolkit

Simply fill out the form below and you’ll get an email with the toolbox. I recommend using a personal email because school email filters are often say way too high and they block non-school email addresses.

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John Spencer

My goal is simple. I want to make something each day. Sometimes I make things. Sometimes I make a difference. On a good day, I get to do both.More about me


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