7 Ways to Inspire Divergent Thinking in the Classroom Blog Post

The world is unpredictable. The corporate ladder is now a maze, which means our students will need to think divergently. In this article, we explore how to integrate divergent thinking into our everyday classroom practices. This is an updated version of an article that was…

Divergent Thinking Mini-Project Page

Please leave your email address below and click the yellow subscribe button to receive the free resource. I will also send you a weekly email with free, members-only access to my latest blog posts, videos, podcasts and resources to help you boost creativity and spark…

Using Design Thinking to Innovate in Your Own Practice Blog Post

A few months ago, I had the opportunity to deliver an opening keynote and closing talk for EdEx, a conference in Eindhoven (in the Netherlands). When Jochem first shared his idea of a weeklong design expedition, I imagined teachers working in a makerspace, designing a…

Six Videos to Spark Creative Thinking Blog Post

Limitations and challenges can be frustrating. However, they can also be the creative constraint that leads to problem-solving and divergent thinking. Over the years, I’ve learned that students love challenges that they find engaging, intriguing and meaningful. Some of these are practical and real-world. Others…

10 Things That Happen When Students Engage in Design Thinking Blog Post

In a recent post, I wrote about why I want to see students become innovators: Subscribe to YouTube Channel Unfortunately, the system isn’t designed for innovation. For years, schools have been stuck in a one-size-fits-all factory model, where students passively consume content. Some people will point…

Ten Things That Happen When Kids Embrace Design Thinking Blog Post

I still remember the day. I was in my first year of teaching and I sat there holding my printed lesson plan. This was supposed to be my greatest lesson of the school year. I had planned it for hours, revising various aspects of it…

Seven Ways to Maximize Time in Project-Based Learning Blog Post

Early on in my project-based learning journey, I attended a workshop where the facilitator shared a story of a semester-long high school entrepreneurship program he had led. I was intrigued by his story, his passion, and the impact that the way this project impacted his…