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When you the word “creative,” you might think of a painter or a playwright or an author or a photographer or a filmmaker or a chef. In other words, you might think of people who make things.

I think it’s what we mean when we use a label like “creative type.” But there is no such thing as a creative type. We are all creative. Every one of us. We just need a bigger definition of creativity.

Yes, creativity involves making things. But it can also mean mashing up ideas in innovative ways. It can mean geeking out on data and finding unique solutions to practical problems. It can mean hacking systems and tweaking things in unusual ways. It can mean exploring ideas and navigating information until you become an expert curator.

It can mean designing systems that empower the creative work of others. It can mean creating change in the world by speaking truth and leading movements and interacting with people.
See, each of these creative approaches shape our world in profound ways.

And the more we see the creativity all around us, the more we are able to appreciate the creativity inside of ourselves.

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John Spencer

My goal is simple. I want to make something each day. Sometimes I make things. Sometimes I make a difference. On a good day, I get to do both.More about me


  • Totally on the same page with you here John! I use the term "imagination" in the way you speak of here–the ability to envision the possible. And we have tools that we have used as cultural beings to enable that generative function! What do you think of my blog? (imaginED education that inspires I would appreciate your thoughts! Or see what I've been posting on twitter @perfinker
    Do you know the work of Dr. Kieran Egan and Imaginative Education?

  • Stef says:

    I love this! As a mother of 5 children this is so true. I see that all of my children are creative in different ways, each equally as impressive. Thanks for validating the idea that creativity has more than one definition.

  • Amanda Christiansen says:

    I wholeheartedly support the understanding that we are all creative! I am someone who definitely falls into the “creative thinking” types, a lot of what I enjoy is coming up with new ideas and sharing my truth with others, stimulating dialogue and open communication. Students and adults alike need to know that their interest and talents have value and are needed. We must expand our thinking in order to evolve with the rapidly changing times!

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