If you've read my blog before, you know that I love to share sharing practical ways that we can empower our students to own the learning from day one. This is the core idea that AJ Juliani and I wrote about in our book Empower.…
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Roy Kent gets it. There's a scene in the last episode of this season's Ted Lasso where the team's game plan doesn't seem to be working. The coaches huddle together in Ted's office and debate whether they should stick with the plan or try something…
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In my previous article, I wrote about how teachers can use book clubs as a way to own their professional development. These book clubs can be in-person or online. They can be synchronous or asynchronous. You might go more open-ended or have things a little…
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Student engagement can be a real challenge in this sudden shift toward distance learning. But one way to improve engagement is by empowering students. In this article, we explore how to improve equity and access and how to shift toward student ownership. Listen to the…
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This post is loosely based on a chapter from my latest book Empower. Thank you to everyone who has helped make it a number one best-seller on Amazon! Thank you to anyone who has left a review on Amazon and spread the word on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,…
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On Saturday afternoon, I felt my phone buzz. It was a message from George Couros. "Congratulations guys, your book is up." Our new book Empower was officially live on Amazon. Terror set in. What would people think of it? How would people respond? Would they like…
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Last October, A.J. Juliani shared an idea for a book we should write together. After we had talked about student choice, voice, and ownership, he said, “I want to do a follow-up to Launch called Empower. Let’s make it a why book. Let’s make it a book about a…