What do maker projects look like in each subject area? Blog Post

If you’re interested in designing your own makerspace, check out the Makerspace Master Course. It’s a self-paced, week-long course that you can do from anywhere at any time.   Making Can Happen in Every Subject Recently a friend of mine said, “When I think of makerspaces,…

Want to Be More Creative? Try More Rest Blog Post

At first I thought it was a teacher thing. I would ask how someone was doing and they would say, “I’m really busy.” This was often followed by a description of how little sleep they had gotten and how much grading they had done. Teachers…

We Need Librarians More Than Ever Before Blog Post

It was about five years ago when a boy walked up to me and asked, “Hey Mr. Spencer, can you talk to the district and see if they’ll open up the library over the summer?” “I don’t think they can,” I answered. “But the city…

Innovation May Be a Buzzword, But It’s a Term I’ve Grown to Love Blog Post

Subscribe to YouTube Channel I used to hate the word “innovative.” See those quotes right there around the word? Those are actually air quotes that I would use whenever I used the term. “It’s a buzzword,” I would say. “It’s overused,” I would point out….

Why Deep Work Has Become an Essential Skill in a Distracted World Blog Post

This is part of a series on The Future of Learning and it’s a trend that I’ve noticed often. It’s the idea that some of the more “vintage” skills (philosophy, curating, deep work, making things from scratch) are actually the most relevant in an age…

In an Age of Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy Is More Vital Than Ever Blog Post

Imagine you are building a self-driving car. Chances are you’ll look for a team of engineers who can figure out how to make each part work fluidly in an interconnected manner. You’d look for software engineers and mechanical engineers and experts in user interface (UI) and…

Helping Students Develop an Entrepreneurial Mindset Blog Post

About three years ago, a student approached me before class. “Mr. Spencer, I heard that you wrote a children’s book.” I nodded. “I co-wrote it with my wife and then we self-published it.” “Can you teach me how to publish my own novel?” I launched…

What Happens to Behavior When You Incorporate Student Choice? Blog Post

My hardest year of teaching involved a sixth grade self-contained class about four years ago. Somehow, I got off on the wrong foot. I had just been an instructional coach and I felt, on some level, that I could handle any classroom situation. I was…

Can Less Choice Lead to More Creativity? Blog Post

Important News: You can now listen to this blog in podcast format below. The feed should be available on iTunes and Stitcher soon: We step out of the car and instantly my kids start shivering. They say nothing, stoically bracing against a wind that seems…