The Real Issue Isn’t Student Engagement Blog Post

The shift toward virtual and hybrid learning can be challenging; especially around student engagement. However, sometimes the real challenge isn’t one of student engagement so much as student empowerment. In this article, we explore how teachers can design distance learning with student self-direction at the…

Using Scavenger Hunts to Get Students Moving in Virtual Learning Blog Post

When we hear the terms “virtual learning” or “remote learning,” it’s easy to imagine students spending eight hours a day in front of a screen. However, as educators, we know that this approach isn’t developmentally appropriate. Children need to move around and interact with their…

Improving Student Collaboration in Remote and Hybrid Learning Blog Post

In this latest article, we explore how to improve collaboration in distance learning by empowering students to own the collaborative process. Listen to the Podcast If you enjoy this blog but you’d like to listen to it on the go, just click on the audio…

Empowering Students in Distance Learning Environments Blog Post

Student engagement can be a real challenge in this sudden shift toward distance learning. But one way to improve engagement is by empowering students. In this article, we explore how to improve equity and access and how to shift toward student ownership. Listen to the…

I’m Releasing a Free Audio Book for Middle Grade Students Blog Post

Before getting started, I just want to point out that teachers have been amazing over the last few weeks. I’ve watched entire districts mobilize to provide online and long-distance instruction while also providing a safe way for kids to get breakfast and lunch. Someone tweeted…

Empowered Teachers Empower Students Blog Post

I have a bobble head of myself on the bookshelves in my office. It’s a bit of an Easter egg that you can find in some of my videos. On the surface, this item seems arrogant and excessive. And yet, I didn’t buy the bobble…