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Deliver distance learning with classroom confidence

My latest MasterClass gives teachers the skills, and the support, to make learning work from anywhere

Behind every great teacher is a great virtual teacher.

Turn frustration & anxiety into confidence with my self-paced MasterClass for individuals and teams.

Great ideas you can apply in your classroom tomorrow.

Proven pedagogy

Including how to conduct self-assessments and provide choice

With practical applications

Design a fully virtual class from start to finish, including SEL

Delivered online & hybrid

With practical ideas for any form of instructional delivery

To improve student & teacher morale

Facilitate thinking, reduce stress & improve engagement

My promise to you ...

Your teachers will leave this course ready to engage students, wherever learning happens this year.

What educators are saying...

“As we continue our journey to provided quality learning opportunities to our students, Johnʻs work will be an important resource. We highly encourage other schools to offer Johnʻs resources to their teachers.”

JoAnn Wong-Kam, Managing Director of Ho'olaukoa

Kamehameha Schools, Honolulu, HI

“John brought a great deal of energy and a fun sense of humor to his workshop that created a fun learning atmosphere for our faculty in a stressful time. I highly recommend John’s workshop and hope he can come back to CFS in the future!”

Eric Fulmer, Dean of Faculty

Church Farm School, Exton, PA

“Dr. Spencer inspired my teachers to get back to creating classrooms full of “creativity and wonder”. I now hear conversations among teachers as to how to “launch” a PBL project in their class, how they are incorporating empathy into projects, and how service learning is changing their students mindsets. “

Lauren Crabtree, Principal

Douglas County Schools, Douglasville, GA

Still not sure? Try it out FREE.

I created this quick 10-minute workshop to give you a feel for how I work.
Download it today — and watch it before you decide.

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