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In this latest episode, Lynn Cashell shares how she integrated AI into her student Genius Hour projects.

Lynn Cashell on How She Integrated AI into Genius HourListen to the Podcast

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About Lynn Cashell

Lynn Cashell is a 5th grade teacher in the Garnet Valley School District located in southeastern Pennsylvania. She has been an educator for 29 years in GVSD, first working as an Instructional Support Teacher, then a 4th grade teacher until moving to 5th grade. Lynn discovered Design Thinking, Project Based Learning, and Genius Hour via John Spencer and A J Juliani and has not looked back! Recently, she has been incorporating AI into creating tests, quizzes, and fluency passages. She has also allowed her students to dabble using AI for generating ideas for research based projects.
In her non-school time, she is very active on several committees in her synagogue, helps take care of 3 grandsons, aged 2 – 10, and loves creating collages with paper and found materials, crocheting, and reading. Not a day goes by when she has not done something creative since it fills her heart and soul.
John Spencer

My goal is simple. I want to make something each day. Sometimes I make things. Sometimes I make a difference. On a good day, I get to do both.More about me

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